Organic products shop in Vilnius
In the organic store installed two types of H-Series fixtures, with electrical power consumption of 60W and 90W (total power consumption 750W per store) and reached illuminance is more than 1000 lux. For similar illuminance that is achieved by using metal halide luminaires the total energy consumption can reach more than1600W. The installation of LED based lighting fixtures in this shop decreased electrical energy consumption for lighting more than two times. Lighting is maintenance free - no need to change the burned out light bulbs, no need for maintenance personnel.
H series luminaires were used as main lighting source in the shop.
- Shop lighting
- Coffee, tea shop
- Warehouse
- Coffee, tea shop
- Illumination of house facade
- Coffee, tea shop
- The luxury apartment complex
- Ecological products shop
- Office
- Car engine repair workshop
- Trucks service
- Apartments in M. K. Ciurlionis st.
- House lighting
- Poultry lighting
- Entertainment and Leisure Park
- Flat lighting
- Sports club in Vilnius
- Flat illumination
- Flat lighting
- Flat lighting
- LED lighting in the house